Saturday, January 19, 2008

To my most untalented pupils, 

I had most sincerely desired to enjoy a few entries this week, but I was most disappointed in the quality of literature that was produced from your feeble minds--including the womyn. The authors of these works deserve no praise, but rather a firm reproach--that of a lashing.

In addition, I found tardiness to be quite prevalent, especially in: Aaaron Baowomyn, Alexander Zadle, Allison Reznick, Andreu Charleston, Becca Crowe, Beky Myers, Catlen WylinCzech, Chealsea Sparrows, David Bluewell, Erickk Louwis, One of the Garies, Emilia Gogogoson, Brandon Yean, Rhubarb Epsteen, Todd Jenkins, Jissika Nickels, Jam Stooby, Hole-y Ghost, Johann Loryzenzen, Caring Felts, Loren Maittianonionis, Lissy Burtonson, Jesus "The Lord" Christ, El Womanly Geisha, The Father, Gnatilee Gargiolis, Dr Navdeepa Carebeara, Ninea Weeners, Nickollockolass Papadopanewguineass, The Other Gary, Yes - Enya Armed and Hammered Deriz. I believe trial for such rampant misdemeanors should include a trip to the stockades. 
Most Gladly Advising Those Authors Beneath Myself,
Jane Austen 


1 comment:

LCC said...

A bit harsh, Ma'am, although you may be right about the tardiness of some of the bloggers within this society of scribes.